Top Blogs

Want your 15 minutes of fame? Try out our anonymous soapbox. Send an email to and see it listed here. No SPAM Please.

Disclaimer: Postings in 'the soapbox' are the opinions of the particular poster and not necessarily the operator of this site.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

My Three Hundred and Fifty Dollar Rat� and counting.

It started a couple of years ago, as I walked though a PetSmart– probably looking for cat food or cat litter. As I walked past the small animal bins, as I make a habit of doing, I spotted them. There they were, two little balls of furry love– ummm… except for their tails. I couldn’t leave without them, so ten dollars apiece and off we went.


Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween, one and all !


What did the french fries dress up as for Halloween....

Masked Potatoes...

What did the skeleton order at the restaurant....

Spare Ribs..

Do you believe in Ghosts? - A grupthink question

Don't forget to checkout the Halloween Carnival.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

6 Reasons Not To Show Up For Your Radio Or TV Appearance

Here is a super article on business success and business leadership. Showing up is over half the battle !


Do you believe in ghosts?

Sue Darroch and Matthew Didier's Paranormal Blog discuss ghost stories which gets me to thinking..

Just in time for Halloween

Do you belive in ghosts? Do people exist after death, and if so can their 'unearthly' souls roam the earth with unfinished business.

Have you ever seen a ghost?. Please help out by relating your experiances on their paranormal blog

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Strange thing about disposable diapers

Most things, if bought in bulk should be cheaper right? Well watch out for WalMart brand diapers...

We discovered, as new parents, that it is cheaper to buy 2 size 5 diapers (46 per bag) than 1 size 5 (60 per box) on a per diaper basis.

So all you new parents, be carefull, it may 'look' like you save if you buy the large 60 pack, but you don't !

Just an FYI.

Friday, October 27, 2006

How to decorate like a Professional

I know nothing about decorating, but I thought this article sounded interesting to folks that like this sort of thing.


A New Monentary System

Here is the monetary system I came up with back when I was in univeristy. It came to be while watching an episode of Star Trek: TNG and wondering how the fedreation got along without any apparent currency.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Welcome to the soap box

Don't have time to setup your own blog?, Finding it hard to come up with a new entry every day?

Try the ArticleSwap soapbox. Get your 15 minutes of fame discussion (or complaining) about any topic you find interesting.

Post by sending an email to

Take a moment to introduce yourself.

NO SPAM PLEASE, and limit of 1 post per day !

Don't forget to checkout the Halloween Blog Carnival

Tks !

Monday, October 23, 2006

Click & Comment Monday

Cat has been promoting Click & Comment Monday. I am also posting this to remind you how important it is to comment on other blogs. It truly DOES increase your readership and you most often gain regulars that will visit your blog day after day.

What I encourage is for you to click my renter. Then, you comment on the blog and click their renter or someone on their blogroll. Then you comment on that blog and click their renter or someone on their blogroll. Do this for as many blogs as you can. Sometimes they go full circle, and you end up at the originating blog, then just look up a blog in the blogroll and start the cycle again.

So, let’s get started! Comment here and I’ll either add your name and link to my post or use an auto-link program and let you add your own.

I really encourage you to do this at least to 5 comments if you have ANY time at all. It will give you the joy of sharing a few of your opinions on posts and bring you future readers.

Thanks and enjoy Click & Comment Day by visting this page and adding it to your blog!

Are you posting Click & Comment on your blog? Add your name to the list with a link to your blog and I’ll come visit. If you do this you not only gain links but new blog-friends as well.

Enjoy! I’m going to try to do this each Monday. Why not start your week off right?

A Twist of Humor: The Bonding Ritual

Check out this weekly column, it's an excellent read :-)

A Twist of Humor: The Bonding Ritual

Friday, October 20, 2006

Lady Kaos: Bruitis

Check out this blog written by..a dog :-)

Lady Kaos: Bruitis

Monday, October 16, 2006

The Importance of Surveys

Are survey's really important? Why do people keep calling me with questions. Why do I get a bunch of emails or ads saying 'Earn thousands of dollars completing surveys? Is all this stuff for real? Check out this article, which helps answer some of these questions


Yet Another way to add Blog Categories for blogger

Here's yet another tip for how to add blog categories to blogger.

Edit your blog template and insert the following javascript where you want the categories to show.

<SCRIPT Language="Javascript" SRC="

When the item is viewed, the categories will be added automatically to the blog entry.

Enjoy !

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Tips for Organization Improvement

Check out this article, I came across which summarizes ideas on how to improve things within an organization.


Thursday, October 12, 2006

Double Delicious Fruit Cake

LOL...I love it, here's a super funny recipe for Fruit cake...I wonder how many out there have actuall tried it !


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Chaos and Order Theory

Is there a global consciousness?, Do we all work together to control/influence it. This guy seems to think so...Check it out !


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Unselfishness Trap

Ever feel guitly about being selfish? Found this interesting article by Harry Browne, it is a very interesting idea, I'm not sure if I believe it all or not, but it's worth checking out !


The Importance of Surveys

Are survey's really important? Why do people keep calling me with questions. Why do I get a bunch of emails or ads saying 'Earn thousands of dollars completing surveys? Is all this stuff for real? Check out this article, which helps answer some of these questions


Monday, October 09, 2006

Chaos and Order Theory

Is there a global consciousness?, Do we all work together to control/influence it. This guy seems to think so...Check it out !


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