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Saturday, November 29, 2008 - Scientists Say Invisibility Cloak Now Possible - Science News | Science

From the page: "WASHINGTON â€" Scientists say they are a step closer to developing materials that could render people and objects invisible.

Researchers have demonstrated for the first time they were able to cloak three-dimensional objects using artificially engineered materials that redirect light around the objects. Previously, they only have been able to cloak very thin two-dimensional objects.

The findings, by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, led by Xiang Zhang, are to be released later this week in the journals Nature and Science."


Friday, November 28, 2008

IT Overdose

Some really cool interactive drawings!


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sorting it all Out : Whats in a name?

Michael S. Kaplan gives some interesting insights of the problems in functioning as a global society. Regardless of how we hash it all out there will always be local differences and customs such as formatting which will likely never become standard.

Even seemingly as simply as formatting first and last names, when looked at in-depth - well it's still can be complicated.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

About Tea - JELL

The four basic types of true tea are black tea, oolong tea, green tea, and white tea.


Monday, November 24, 2008

laddack074 by JetsunDeleplanque.P1020144 by Thierry_P.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fredericton Family Events Calendar (Fredkid)

If your a parent in the Greater Fredericton area, you've no doubt heard of the cool site

In addition to many cool activities and listings on this site. One of the best parts is undoubly the Events calendar, which is updated on a regular basis with lots of fun family events going on the in Fredericton area for you and your kids.

On of the 'drawbacks' however is you have to constantly check the site for calendar updates. So I emailed their web master for a requst to allow users to add these events to their favorite calendar automatically.

I have, as of yet, got a reply :-(. However, I was able to find a nice work around to the problem, and have sucessfully created a google calendar of Fredericton events that is automatically updated whenever the calendar is updated.

You can find it at the link below and use the "Add to Google Calendar" link at the bottom to add it to you Google Calendar.

Or if you want you can add it to your favorite calendar app by subscribing to the ics link:

Lots of the events are Free, so have fun!


Saturday, November 22, 2008 - The free five minute personality test!

ColorQuiz is a free five minute personality test based on decades of research by color psychologists around the world. There are no complicated questions to answer, you simply choose colors with a click of the mouse! Your test results are completely confidential and we do not keep the results. Take the test now.


Friday, November 21, 2008

ThinkHost | CMS TestDrive

ThinkHost offers green web hosting powered by renewable wind and solar energy, over a world-class outsourced network. Your carbon neutral account with us offers you top-level technology, while at the same time supporting a more earth-friendly future.

We provide unlimited domains, unlimited databases and unlimited emails. We offer affiliate services so you can earn money on referrals. And we support the community, with subsidized hosting for selected partners in progressive causes.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Free SEO Submissions | CMS TestDrive

The first step to getting more website traffic is Search Engine Submission. Getting your site included in the major search engines is vital. The big three search engines â€" Google, Yahoo! and MSN attract the most search traffic - almost 95% of all searches.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How Blogging is Like Fishing

From the page: "You might be wondering, how in the world can blogging possibly have anything to do with fishing? Well I have done both, and here I describe my view of each of these things, and perhaps even a basic philosophy of life and patience."


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Great Halloween Pumpkin Ideas by kentchemistry -- Revver Online Video Sharing Network

Some cool jack-o-lanterns from Halloween 2007. I don't have the skills to create beauty like this, if you don't either at least we can watch the videos!


Monday, November 17, 2008

Kipi as Kipi for more Kipi looking beautiful at school, home, in town and around... the crown hanging from her neck and those gorgeous eyes.. always


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Office Culture: Anti-Theft Lunch Bag Deters Sandwich Thieves

Found this link over at lifehacker. Thanks to geek news central for telling me about it.

Funny Sandwitch bag
I don't think I'd actually buy one of these, but it's a funny idea. It might lead to your lunch being thrown out instead of just stolen!


feature on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Might have to be a geeky programmer to get this one!

Famous Last Words of a Code Monkey (Programmer)

It's not a bug - It's a feature.. Get it Now?


Friday, November 14, 2008


So here's the deal, look at the image below, and then tell me if the lady is spinning clockwise or counter-clockwise.

Hint: If you stare long enough it will look like she switches directions, but she doesn't ! She's always spinning the same way

Don't believe me? Get a friend to look at the picture with you and then have each of you shout out when it looks like she changes directions...are you shouting out at the same time?

Kinda interesting isn't it?


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Amazing Waterfall Theatrics

Check out this video. It is an amazing waterfall creation that shoots water droplets and is designed to make various letters and images. I just hope they are reusing the water over and over for the nice effects. Simply beautiful, definitely worth checking out !

Whether it's the dramatic countdown, the striking thunderbolts, or the whimsical dolphins, you won't be disappointed. This method was innovated by Julius Popp in his machine: "Bitfall," which just as precisely created words that flashed by in the blink of an eye. This would surely make him proud...


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Keith Barry - Brain Magic Recommended Video - BWebcentral

First, Keith Barry shows us how our brains can fool our bodies -- in a trick that works via podcast too. Then he involves the audience in some jaw-dropping (and even a bit dangerous) feats of brain magic!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Best Resignation Letter Ever Dear Mr X, As a graduate of an institution of higher education, I have a few very basic expectations. Chief among these is that my direct superiors have an intellect that ranges above the common ground squirrel. Read the rest... Stubmle This


Monday, November 10, 2008

Comcast to cap monthly consumer broadband | Webware : Cool Web apps for everyone - CNET

ISP's have been experimenting with tiered bandwidth for a while now, though Comcast is going the extra step: download too much and say good bye to your account.


Sunday, November 09, 2008

In Between Meals: Amazing Bizzare Facts

Here's another one of those 'weird facts' lists. This time there are a few less then the last post i did about this stuff.

Did you now?

Who knows if they are all true, but regardless it is interesting that people have time to put these together.

...LOL, Of course, I guess I have the time to blog about it so what am I saying? Hope you enjoy them

* Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.

* The average person laughs 13 times a day.

* Do you know the names of the three wise monkeys? They are: Mizaru(See no evil), Mikazaru(Hear no evil), and Mazaru(Speak no evil)

* Women blink nearly twice as much as men.

* German Shepherds bite humans more than any other breed of dog.


Saturday, November 08, 2008

Visualization Considerations | Own Page One: Search Engine Visibility Blog - Online Marketing Strategy and Tips

Here's a cool article on why graphs are important, and why the type of graph you choose is important for the information you are trying to convey.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Graphs should "talk to you". You should be able to reach usefull conclusions that you can action on. Otherwise what's the point?


Friday, November 07, 2008

Loudio - Audio Page: Blogging - the Next Gateway Drug

From the page: "[It] Seems every google search I do these days returns results from someone's blog. Blogging can be very addictive. This audio describes the different types of blogs and how you start with simply reading them, then you try to make your own, before you know it your in to podcasts, vidcasts, and everything else until it consumes your life!"


Thursday, November 06, 2008

Media Wiki | CMS TestDrive

MediaWiki is the collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, and other projects. It's designed to handle a large number of users and pages without imposing too rigid a structure or workflow.


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

How to use the Ultimate Wishlist - Demo

Here is a video demo of one of my first facebook applications. The "ultimate wishlist" is a gift registry that allows you to share your gift registry with your friends for any occasion, birthday,Christmas wedding/baby showers.

Share your wishes with all your facebook friends.


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Meet a deer little handful called Rupert who was delivered by Caesarean section after his mother was killed by a car | Mail Online

Rubert Baby Deer

From the page: "The little orphan, delivered by Caesarean section, was just six inches tall and, at 500 grams, weighed little more than a bag of sugar.

It looked like he, too, would face a tough fight for survival.

But staff at Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital in Buckinghamshire believe Rupert, as he has been named, will make a full recovery after his dramatic arrival.

At five days old, he is being kept in an incubator and has just opened his eyes."


Monday, November 03, 2008

Mother is Going on Strike

From the page: "After twenty-three years of cooking, cleaning and nurturing, I woke up this morning and realized that I had become a slave to my grown children. So I`ve decided to go on strike."


Sunday, November 02, 2008

The worlds smallest snake: Thin as a strand of spaghetti and small enough to fit on a 10p piece | Mail Online

snakeIt is as thin as a strand of spaghetti, small enough to fit on a 10p piece, and its bite is harmless.
Introducing the smallest, and least scary, snake in the world.

The 4in long Leptotyphlops carlae was discovered in a patch of forest on Barbados.


Saturday, November 01, 2008

Discover 9 easy tips to make your family photo way better

From the page: "Getting a great picture of your family doesn't have to be a painful experience, especially if you put a few simple photo tips to use."


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