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Friday, April 20, 2007
The mind of an addict..Part 1
First off, I can't say I'm an 'addict'. I've never been diagnosed or
anything, plus my addication seems to be to the Internet..not just the
Internet but more specifically blogging and reading other people's blogs. I
do this via various Blog Surf Directories which I am not mentioning here. There
is probably some debate as to whether or not this can be actually considered
an 'addiction'.
I think about it all the time, I can't get my mind of thinking about
'checking the blog', when something happens in my life I think, "That will
make an interesting blog entry", I picture myself writing the entry. When
I'm stressed and worried, I 'escape' into thinking about different blog
ideas and writings, or how I can make my blog look more interesting to
Blogging consumes me. At first it was really nice. It kept me busy in my
idle time, It calmed me down when I was angry or stressed. It all seems so
fascinating. I'm at the point now where I know I have to stop, it is taking
too much of my time, it is taking me away from things that are really
important that do matter a whole lot more.
Yes, I realized that , ironically, I am writing a blog entry complaining
about a blogging addication. Before blogs were popular I often kept a
journal of my thoughts. Writing my ideas down on paper is sort of like my
own personal shrink. Now, I'm at a point where I'm considering making that
shrink available to the public. Maybe in someway discussing 'outloud' what
I am going through may help others...maybe it is just to feed my
addication...who knows
I am using this annonymous posting system, I found while searching through
the blog directories I so often visit, I am ashamed to say who I am, I am
afraid to tell others of my addication. What if they make fun of me? What if
I loose my job over it?
In my mind I think "I must quit", "I must stop"...and it needs to be cold
turkey. But at the same time I think, well maybe I can get away with just
'cutting back'. I know this never works for smokers or alcoholics, but hey
what I have isn't really and addication is it? I am trying to limit myself
to just 2 items/day. One in the morning and one in the evening and we will
see how that goes. for now..
Anonymous BlogAddict