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Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The Truth About Life Insurance
My first experience with insurance was shortly after I got my license for the first time. At the time both my cousin and I got insurance quotes and I was shocked to learn that her coverage would be about $60 for 6 months, while my coverage was $360 for the same period. I learned the only real difference was that she was female, while I was not. This seemed very discriminatory to me. Why should I pay more for an attribute of myself that I could not control?
So I was not surprised when later I was denied term life insurance all together due to my insulin dependent diabetes.
Today, the irony is that I probably have more types of insurance then the average person. I was able to find term insurance and keep it for a little while, though it took a lot of tests, and I was eventually paying 300% more then the average person for it.
I also learned an important loop hole. When I got married, I had 30 days where I could have my name added to my wife's health insurance policy - no questions asked !. So this is how my insurance is setup today. If you are in a similar prediciment, you might want to give this a try..just find someone and get married it's that easy :-)
Similar to gambling, insurance companies make a bet when they offer a policy. They are betting you will pay more into the policy then the odds that you will come down with some disease that ends up costing more money. The game is fixed, if they don't think they can win the bet, they don't play the game
...Of course, I might do the same thing in their shoes