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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Brinking your Banking Online

When I first started online banking, I was very skeptical about the idea. Sure some websites are secure, and use encryption, but how comfortable do I feel sending my money around on the internet?

There is a carefull balance to be maintained between convience and security. In the end however, I decided to open up savings accounts and give it a try.

There are so many features provided today for onlink banking. Let us consider Wamu as an example. With a secure internet connection, you can check your balance, pay your bills, and get alerts about your accounts. Plus with paperless banking you are helping the environment as well.

One of the best ideas is the ability to automatically have money transferred to say a high interest savings account. Automatic savings is a great way to buld a little nest egg. Just set it and forget it.

Account alerts are also a cool feature. I am not aware of other banks that can do this. When you reach a certain balance, or a large withdrawal, you can be notified of this happening and keep better track of your financial situation.

If you want more information you can checkout the Wamu online demo

Finally, they have a section of tips and tricks in the Learn and Plan section of the site. The link below will teach your more about onlinking banking. I also suggest checkout out there budgeting information which can be very useful as well.


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