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Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Going GaGa over JaJah

The other day while listening to one of my favorite podcasts, they happened to mention a service called JaJah so I decided to check it out.
JaJah is a long distance service provider that offers cheap calling ll around the world. Plus, calls are free between JaJah users up to 150 minutes per week!
Calls are usually made using Voice over IP or (VOIP) technology, but in a differnt way then other services such as Skype or Vonage.
With Skype, calls are made through your computer, and not through your normal phone. Vonage calls do use a normal phone, but you need to buy a special adapter and sign-up for their monthly service plan.
JaJah calls work simply by logging into the JaJah website, and entering the number you want to dial. The system then calls your local phone (or cell phone!), and then calls your long distance number and connects the 2 phones together.
I don't have to stay on the JaJah site. Once connected, the call does not use my internet connection so I can shut down my computer and still continue my call
Plus I can use my JaJah account anywhere. So let's say I'm travelling and in a hotel I can call home from my JaJah account and give the local number of the hotel. Sometimes, I want to be able to make a long distance call from my cell, but cell company long distance charges are crazy!. So I can use JaJah on my cell as well.
So currently, I'm paying about $0.03/minute to make long distance calls, but I can make these calls free if others are also using JaJah. So why not sign-up and try a few calls and maybe tell a few friends so that everyone can benefit.
One word of caution though calls are only free to other JaJah users that have been iniated on the JaJah website. If you start the call from your cell phone it still costs money, but it's stil really cheap. Also be careful if you are roaming with your cell phone, as the cell phone company may charge your extra $ in addition to JahJah. So there are a few times, like cell phone roaming, where it might still be a good idea to just use a long distance pay card, but your can't beat free calling with no extra equipment or plans right?