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Friday, June 13, 2008

How It Works | The PC Decrapifier

Have you recently purchase a new computer? If so you may have noticed a wide variety of junk that is pre-installed. Toolbars you don't need, software you don't want. Trials of programs that expire in 30 days and keep nagging your end after end. Why does all this junk even come preloaded on your machine? It's simple really. This distributor makes money for each piece of software they pre-install. Since the markup on the hardware usually isn't very high, the distributor/retailer can make a few bucks installing a lot of useless software and trialware and calling it a "value add" or 'bundle package. Then you need the PC Decrapifier. This litle FREE program scans your computer for the common bloatware that comes initially installed with your computer, and will ask you what items you want to remove and what to leave alone. Quick, easy, and just the tool for newly purchase computers, to make them run like they *should*


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