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Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Confused Philosopher
From the page: "-Why is it called alchoholics anonymous when the first thing you say is your name?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The New Interac Chip
The other day, I was buying a tea at the local Great Canadian Bagel and I noticed someone passing a debit card with the chip.
I then went to my financial institutions and asked if they had the chip debit cards, and I was pleased to tell me they did! So I've switched over to the new chips.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
what do I think about this page? I truly love it - I love the amount of time I can take up playing with the pinging balls and trying to lower their tone. I love the practice of procrastination.
Monday, April 27, 2009
User Post: 7 tips for making yourself happier in the NEXT HOUR. - Healthy Living on Shine
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The TCi Thermal Conductivty Analyzer Recommended Video - BWebcentral
Whenever, I told someone where I worked, they often commented that they heard of it but were not sure what they did.
Well today, the product is owned by C-Therm, this video does an excellent job of explaining how it all works.
Friday, April 17, 2009
How to Troll a Troll: Be a Billy Goat Gruff
The Custy Curmedugeon gives some "wise" advice on dealing with bullies, and makes amusing, and interesting commentary on trolls. (bullies). A very good read indead!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Removing the BAD words from the English Language
In this podlet I talk about, yep you guessed it, "BAD WORDS", but don't be fooled!
I'm not taking about swear words, slang, euphemism, expletivies. I am talking about very special words, words that make us unhappy (or make others unhappy).
Certain words that I think are hard-wired into our brains to remove motiivation, to remove 'wants' and 'desires', to generally make us feel miserable.
What could these words possibly be? What could possibly cause so much trouble in our daily lives? Have a listen and see!
Ref: NeuroLinguisticProgramming (NLP)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Happy Easter: www.bwebcentral.com
Check out these cute bunnies and their "impersonating" friends. Wishing you a Happy easter and a nice long weekend!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Gizmodo - April fools Internet fiasco ROUNDUP: All Pranks in One Place - April Fools Day
Gizmodo gathers together various April fools jokes around the net.
I like Google Mobiles psychic cue system.
Hope you enjoy them.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Universal Tell A Friend - Email Script - Biz Ideas
Simply add the link, and if others like you work they can simply forward it on the their friends.
A great way to network and distribute your content virally
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
On Socialism and Dave Ramsey - Pt 1
On of my all time favorite podcasts regarding finance, saving money, and just "good - smart" ideas is by far the Dave Ramsey Show (http://www.daveramsey.comm).
Dave Ramsey continues to impress me with his "common sense" advice for getting out of debt and bulding wealth, his free podcast you can listen to his ideas from his radio program, as well as go to his site and find many tips, guides, books, and lessons (including the Total Money Make Over) that will help you get ahead in life.
The only smal critism, I would have - Dave likes to somestimes get up on his soapbox (it is his show afterall) and talk about the 'evils' of socialism, in particular he is talking about government control over our lives. In this podlet, I dicuss some basic ideas / misconceptions and the "philosophy of socialism" as an economic model. I'm not talking about so-called failed implementations of socialism and cases where governments hold power and don't give it up.
Back to concepts, Do individuals have a "right" to the things they need. To each according to his own need. Basic needs and necessessities should be available to all. As a socieity we can help support one another to make this possible.
Related Links:
Karl Marx - From each according to his ability to each according to his need
What does the bible say about Communism?
Friday, April 03, 2009
MyNewBiz: Personality Types: A review of MBTI by Myers-Briggs
MBTI or the "Myers Briggs" Type Indicator. I have always been fascinated by personality tests and ideas about personalities so here is an intersting review of a book called "Type Talk" which explains dealing with various personality types
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Coding Horror: The Computer Performance Shell Game
I often here of people running out to my a bigger hard disk or more memory to try and fix their "SLOW" computer.
In this article, Jeff Atwood, provides an excellent analgoy of computer performance, as well as a stratedgy for determining the best way to boost your performance by discovering the bottleneck first.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
10 Best Uses for RFID Tags
Here are 10 intereesting (and maybe unconvential) uses for RFID chips from Wired Magazine