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Thursday, April 16, 2009
Removing the BAD words from the English Language
Words needing removed from English Language
In this podlet I talk about, yep you guessed it, "BAD WORDS", but don't be fooled!
I'm not taking about swear words, slang, euphemism, expletivies. I am talking about very special words, words that make us unhappy (or make others unhappy).
Certain words that I think are hard-wired into our brains to remove motiivation, to remove 'wants' and 'desires', to generally make us feel miserable.
What could these words possibly be? What could possibly cause so much trouble in our daily lives? Have a listen and see!
Ref: NeuroLinguisticProgramming (NLP)
In this podlet I talk about, yep you guessed it, "BAD WORDS", but don't be fooled!
I'm not taking about swear words, slang, euphemism, expletivies. I am talking about very special words, words that make us unhappy (or make others unhappy).
Certain words that I think are hard-wired into our brains to remove motiivation, to remove 'wants' and 'desires', to generally make us feel miserable.
What could these words possibly be? What could possibly cause so much trouble in our daily lives? Have a listen and see!
Ref: NeuroLinguisticProgramming (NLP)