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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A fast one about the York Street Station

From the blog of Tim Scammell I'm sorry I don't have time for a decent sized blog right now but I will very soon. I promise.<br />I have another Shep story that I want to get out there.<br />For now though, I want to post these links for readers of the blog who aren't on Facebook or Twitter.<br />These are photos that I took yesterday


Friday, June 18, 2010

Through Channel Sales Managment SaaS

From the Nimble Theory Blog
A video oveview of Senside's sales channel communication management SaaS offering.

Sendside's a perfect solution for companies that sell through the channel with VARs, resellers and channel partners. They now have visibility not only into their channel partners, but through their partners to the end buyer with real time repo


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


From the Nimble Theory Blog

Companies are catching on to the fact that bloggers can provide an effective way to create buzz about their brands. We've seen several efforts that explicitly recognise that fact, such as TasteCasting for restaurants and YokmoK's free travel giveaways. Bringing the notion into the world of new consumer products is Swagap


Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Watch out for a new Tab-Napping

Are you familar with Phising? If not here's a brief intruction =>

Phising typcall uses email that 'looks' like it's from a source your trust, your Bank, Paypal, Ebay, etc, to trick you into think your logging into that site when really an unscrouplous individual is stealing your username and password (and likely selling it to others)

Mozilla's Aza Raskin discovered another potential way to fool others using somethign called 'Tab Napping'. With Tab Napping after you leave your tab for a few seconds the website chagnes to a 'fake' page to caputre your username and password.


Monday, June 07, 2010

Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Mobilizes Wildlife Rescue Teams

The Gulf of Mexico oil spill mobilizes wildlife rescue teams as the world is witnessing the world's largest oil spill grow unabated. 5,000 barrels (210,000 gallons or 955,000 liters) a day of crude oil is flowing from deepwater well off Louisiana that was ruptured last week. There are many irate oilmen pointing the finger at serial safety culprit BP, who operated the well.


Sunday, June 06, 2010

Where’s the rake?

So you finally decide to do that outdoor work that you’re wife’s been asking you to do all summer.

You get out there only to realize you can’t find the rake - so like any good husband you try to ask your wife, only she can’t here you, so ..

Ah… just watch the video


Saturday, June 05, 2010

How Blogging is Like Fishing

You might be wondering, how in the world can blogging possibly have anything to do with fishing? Well I have done both, and here I describe my view of each of these things, and perhaps even a basic philosophy of life and patience.

I love fishing and many of my best memories of fishing are with my father in the highlands of Cape Breton


Thursday, June 03, 2010

Personal Growth Story

One day as I was sitting down reflecting on life, something people tell me I do way too much, I got to thinking about how I have changed and grown by my experiences. So I wrote this article to documents some of these changes and is mainly a personal reflection and insight into my own growth, which I hope may also help others to better understand themselves.


Tuesday, June 01, 2010

CEOs who code

Came across this post while reading the Nimble Theory blog, although, the actual post comes from Paul Allien site.

It is something rather near and dear to me, as I work hard to advance my career, I continue to feel the strong pull to program, to invent things, to watch my creations come to life, to make my life easier and to be used by others.

So while I might need to start looking at the bigger picture, I will always be a programmer and a hacker at heart.

"Everyone knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a program in the first place. So if you are as clever as you can be when you write it, how will you ever debug it?" ~Brian Kernighan


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