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Monday, March 31, 2008

-Codemonkey by Jonathan Coulton

For all those who like to program, or do it for a living, or just plain feel like a monkey. Here's a video to brighten your day !

 Code Monkey get up get coffee Code Monkey go to job have boring meeting with boring manager Rob Rob say Code Monkey very diligent but his output stink his code not functional or elegant what do Code Monkey think Code Monkey think maybe manager oughta write goddamn login page himself Code Monkey not say it out loud Code Monkey not crazy just proud  Code Monkey like Fritos Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew Code Monkey very simple man with big warm fuzzy secret heart Code Monkey like you Code Monkey like you  Code Monkey hang around at front desk tell you sweater look nice Code Monkey offer buy you soda bring you cup bring you ice you say no thank you for the soda ’cause soda make you fat anyway you busy with the telephone no time for chat  Code Monkey have long walk back to cubicle he sit down pretend to work Code Monkey not thinking so straight Code Monkey not feeling so great  Code Monkey like Fritos Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew Code Monkey very simple man with big warm fuzzy secret heart Code Monkey like you Code Monkey like you a lot  Code Monkey have every reason to get out this place Code Monkey just keep on working to see your soft pretty face Much rather wake up eat a coffee cake Take bath, take nap This job fulfilling in creative way such a load of crap Code Monkey think someday he have everything even pretty girl like you Code Monkey just waiting for now Code Monkey say someday, somehow  Code Monkey like Fritos Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew Code Monkey very simple man with big warm fuzzy secret heart Code Monkey like you Code Monkey like you 
Lyrics complements of


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Top 12 Random Website Bordom List

Ever have one of those moments when you sitting in front of your browser, wondering what to do next. Here's a list of 12 random page viewers you can bookmark or add to you home page. Get a different [interesting?] page every time.


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Rock Chalk Talk :: JN: Big 12 Blogger Awards

In an effort to outdo the Media's (yes, the capital "M" is necessary to convey their importance in the world) work, Big 12 bloggers representing just about every school got together to put together some Preseason Predictions and such. Kansas, as expected, received little love although they were selected to finish 4th in the North, just like in the Media's edition.


Friday, March 28, 2008

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix game has Wii wand controls -

The Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix game release date is between sometime in June and July 6th, before the fifth Harry Potter movie comes out on July 13th. The game will be released for the Wii, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, PSP, Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance, and PC.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

How to live forever

Is death just a disease that can be cured? Scientists have been searching for the secrets to aging,death and the so-called Fountain of Youth probably since the first person died.

New research suggests that it maybe possible to take certain combinations of drugs to prolong your life. Tests with rats seem to show significantly higher lifespans using a special drug cocktail, could it work on humans?

It was discovered that although the rats lived longer and were much less prone to diseases. They did still die of inexplicable deaths, so perhaps death is not just a disease that can be cured.

In my humble opionion these drugs must be available to some actors because some of them to age to me.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

MyNewBiz: FoxIt Reader to the Rescue

Read about how I learned to fill "unfilliable" web forms and save the data in the forms for free, without having to buy full version of Acrobat


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Truth About Life Insurance

My first experience with insurance was shortly after I got my license for the first time. At the time both my cousin and I got insurance quotes and I was shocked to learn that her coverage would be about $60 for 6 months, while my coverage was $360 for the same period. I learned the only real difference was that she was female, while I was not. This seemed very discriminatory to me. Why should I pay more for an attribute of myself that I could not control?

So I was not surprised when later I was denied term life insurance all together due to my insulin dependent diabetes.

Today, the irony is that I probably have more types of insurance then the average person. I was able to find term insurance and keep it for a little while, though it took a lot of tests, and I was eventually paying 300% more then the average person for it.

I also learned an important loop hole. When I got married, I had 30 days where I could have my name added to my wife's health insurance policy - no questions asked !. So this is how my insurance is setup today. If you are in a similar prediciment, you might want to give this a try..just find someone and get married it's that easy :-)

Similar to gambling, insurance companies make a bet when they offer a policy. They are betting you will pay more into the policy then the odds that you will come down with some disease that ends up costing more money. The game is fixed, if they don't think they can win the bet, they don't play the game

...Of course, I might do the same thing in their shoes


Monday, March 24, 2008

Star Wars Asciimation With Sound

From Bullfrog117. Imagine all the work that must have went into making this star wars ascii video. I might not have that much spare time on my hands but the geek in me appreciates whoever did !


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Fill-in-the-blank Apology Form

Found these funny forms and wanted to share them (and remind myself incase I ever want to send one). Bureaucracy to the max. Send an official apology from the Bureau of Communication. Lots of other funny forms here as well that you can email to your friends.


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Eccentricity with Dr Mark - Blogsoma

This is the podcast I had found to share when I knew I would be unavailable to produce one myself. Here Dr Mark talks about our expectations of others behaviours.

I often find myself confronted with others beliefs in how they expect others to re-act or behave to a situation. This can often be problematic and can cause us to limit or thinking. A solution to a problem may not be talked about simply because we believe we somehow know what others will say. The truth is we only deal/relate to our perception of individuals and the the true individuals themselves. If we really look deep into it we will find people don't really fit into all the boxes we make for them. Like Dr Mark states they oscillate. The irony here is change is the only thing that remains constant. Enjoy


Friday, March 21, 2008

Mine the Web for Riches » Proxy Lists

Random Proxies from Anonymous web surfing


Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Four Laws of Simplicity, and How to Apply Them to Life

A simple method of simplifying. Too often we make things out to be more complicated then they really are. This is an excellent article from Zen Habits to get you thinking..simply thinking


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

An intro to online affiliate programs

By: Steven Gerber. Here is an article about how to make money with your website.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Fredericton - The intelligent city

Fredericton is in the top 7 cities in the world to be considered for "most intelligent city". It seems most of it has to do with our awesome and free WiFi network infrasture that is in place. I remember when I was visited at my company to donate to the WiFi network. Initially, there was no gaurenteee it would actually be connected to the internet. At the time, I didn't really see much point in a WiFi network with no internet access. Of course, it does have internet access and it works great, I wish it covered even more areas of the city.

Fredericton, has also been making large strides in protecting the environment as well. We have a green parades, and recycle contests with local communities. We are also working to be the first city to meet Kytoto targets. I get the slight feeling this sounded life an after thought, but I think it is also important to mention.


Monday, March 17, 2008

Zombies in Plain English

This is my first experience with the commoncraft paperwork videos, and I love what I see. Everything I've always needed to know about zombies and how to keep myself safe.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Windows 98 and XP make sweet music | Beyond Binary - A blog by Ina Fried - CNET

This is a musical melody composed entirely of sounds from Windows 98/XP. It's quite spectacular! Check it out.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Unhackable by The FuMP

Came across this spoof of Christina's Algulera's Beautfull song by the Funny Music Project (The FuMP). They have alots of other really funny songs on the site too and you seem to be able to download a lot of them for free. Hope you enjoy it !


Friday, March 14, 2008

Video of Maria Sharapova For ESPN | Maria Sharapova Fans

maria in hot pink promoting espn, cute, hot, weird


Thursday, March 13, 2008

CutePDF - Create PDF for free !

CutePDF Writer (formerly CutePDF Printer) is the free version of commercial PDF creation software. CutePDF Writer installs itself as a "printer subsystem". This enables virtually any Windows applications (must be able to print) to create professional quality PDF documents - with just a push of a button!


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Worlds Sexiest Women | news views pictures and videos about hot women

incredible colombian model in pink lingerie


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Useful Life Tips

These tips present an overall strategy for coping and dealing with emotional conflicts. Inner turmoil can be created when a situation occurs or you are about to make a decision and you are unsure, lack confidence, or are simply sad/angry/upset and are not sure how to improve your outlook.


Monday, March 10, 2008

A320 crosswind plan crash

Check out this video of a plane that almost crashes when landing in on a very windy day in Hamburg, Germany. I've actually heard from multiple people and I am told that the pilot was doing exactly the way he would be trained to maneuver in such a situation. Regardless, though if I were a passenger and felt this happening I'd be scared out of my seat...literally !


Sunday, March 09, 2008

Cosplay Central / Sexy Sailor Moon Cosplay

great shots of the charcters from the anime we all know, and these girls make them come to life -- as sexy as we know they should be


Saturday, March 08, 2008

Legends of the First Christmas Trees

Do you know the history of the Christmas tree, here is a great telling of the Christmas tree from The f irst Christmas trees were hung upside down as a sign of the trinity, and it took several hundred years before people decided to start decorating them.


Thursday, March 06, 2008

How to Get Free Business Cards

oost your business image and do it for free! Order professional quality business cards for free with this special promotional offer from VistaPrint, the world's leading online printer.


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Top 35 Weird Facts and other strange ideas

It is said that you shouldn't believe everything you read. Here are a few oddities from tvsm (Katie) on Squidoo. Be sure to check out #9. In Canada, we don't have two dollar bills in circulation any more but it would be interesting to know if this one is true !


The duality of passion

In this weeks podlet, I discuss the good and the bad of passion. That thing that gets us up in the morning, that motivates us and maintaining the balance between order and organization. Have you ever experienced this yourself? What are the sort of things you are passionate about? Does inspirational passion take a hold of you only to leave you to pick up the pieces afterwards?


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Mr. Natural - R Crumb

this bearded character who looked a little like Father Time……..

This was of course, Mr. Natural..


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