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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Guess My Name?

From Here's ann interesting little game called "Guess My Name". How good are you at matching a face to a name? A photo seems to be posted everday, keeping the game interesting.


Friday, May 25, 2007

Microsoft gave us a license to copy Money.

ABBOTT: Super Duper computer store. Can I help you? COSTELLO: Thanks. I'm setting up an office in my den and I'm thinking about buying a computer. ABBOTT: Mac? COSTELLO: No, the name's Lou.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Deep Thought

Here is a Youtube video from an older production of "Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy", here we see on of my favorites parts, "Deep Thought" a computer to answer the ultimate question...


Monday, May 21, 2007

FunkyThoughts: Importance of a name

A good 'lesson' on why you should always admit to your 'mistakes' and not put the blame on others..LOL !


Monday, May 14, 2007

Less Blogging means more..frustration..dealing with REAL life !

It has been almost 20 hours since my last blog entry. My hands are
shaking from withdrawal as I write this entry.

I am proud of my 'blog fast' so far. There have actually been moments
where I have been allowing my mind to have other thoughts not related
to blogging. This has been both a blessing and a curse.

The blessings, I actually slept in today !. Sort of..I was up for
about an hour at 2:30 in the morning feeling sick to my stomach. My
habit has been to get up around 5:50am and start checking my blog
stats, and surfing blogs. Today I stayed in bed until 6:30 ! When I
did get up, I had no time to be on the computer since I had to get
ready for work. I have had to keep myself busy and have been doing a
lot of cleaning of things around me and other busy tasks to keep me
from blogging. I have had the time to actually think clearly...I feel
it is less creative but more clear.

The curse..things in life are frustrating me and I can't just let my
mind wander to blogging, dealing with my feelings in a different way
can be very frustrating as well. Little things seem to bother me that
never bothered me before...but it might just be with withdrawal
taking...who knows !

I am reminded of the movie "Bridget Jones' Diary", she sets a bunch of
goals for herself at the beginning of the year...I only have
stop all this blog surfing..but I still want people to visit my blog
and stuff...Oh well what am I going to do ?

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Recueilli: Virtual Haircut

You can do anything online ! When my hair gets too long, this is the place that I go to get my virtual hair cut.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Feeding my addiction.


Yet another 2 hours has passed since I made my last blog entry. This
is getting rather ridiculous.

I have spent the past 2 hours trying to finalize and tie up my blog
site so that it can 'run for itself' without me. This is to give me
time to focus on the important things in life and not always writing
blog entries.

If users visit my site they can sign up for things, click on ads, etc
and hopefully generate a little $ for my efforts..BUT if I'm not
writing anything for a while, the content will be lacking, and I might
not get many visits.

This is the dilemma I face, The web (blog-o-sphere) is an ever
changing environment. If a user lets his/her blog entry go too
stagnant. Less people will view/subscribe to it, and it becomes less
interesting. but If I continue writing blog entries, it consumes too
much time, and if I try to put myself on a 'schedule' then I cannot be
creative...uuggggh !

I have not checked my blog stats all day today, I tend to do this
sometimes several times an hour, I am feeling the withdrawal but I
think its important to stay away from such distractions. I need to
find other work to keep me interested, busy, and away from blogging !

Anonymous BlogAddict

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Funny Church Stuff

Let your 'inner geek light' shine. I recently started listening to the geeks and god podcast. They put out a request for people to suggest what technology they would recommend for a church. Here are some of my ideas on this topic.


Sunday, May 06, 2007

Funny Church Signs Book

Paula Snyder Art by Vincent Alexander. Here's a book about funny church signs. Low attendance at your sermons? Attract new visitors with some funny signs.


Friday, May 04, 2007

Funny Church Signs

From You've seen them - the signs in front of churches, with a witticism or a pun that made you groan. I think they're hilarious, often unintentionally so. Here is a funny collection of some signs that might/or might not make you join the congregation


Blog Addict Day 2

..More like Entry 2, obviously my plan to last twice a day has already
failed miserabbly, as it's only about 2 hours since my last entry.

I have decided though to wait and post these entries at a later date,
so it might look like their is a further entry time betwen them.

Actually I think, many bloggers do this. Creativity comes in leaps and
bounds and not in a structured telling myself.."I'll write an
interesting blog entry at noon" doesn't work for my creative
side..under pressure it caves and I can't think of anything to
write...The other 23 hours of the day it is buzzing with ideas and
putting it off to a structured timeframe just doesn't seem to work.

I think to myself...once I just do this site change or make a little
change here or there, or just after this last blog entry..then I'll
take a break...but it doesn't happen. At least if I were an
entrepeneaur, I might make $ on my obsession but that's 24hour day
work-a-holic just isn't the lifestyle for me..of course neither is a
24 hour a day 'blog-a-holic' but what am I going to do?

Anonymous BlogAddict

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