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Saturday, May 31, 2008
Finding Success with Positive Thinking

Flickr Image uploaded by suesue In this weeks podlet (a little late yes). I talk about my ideas of positive thinking and some basic tennants of how it works. We all have bad days, but how we respond to these little events in our lives ultimately determines our success. I have been noticing lately, how many people feel frustraed by the actions of others. Little things, that they have no control over. Think about people cutting you off when you are driving, or stacking the dishes a little different at work. Little thoughtlets that creep in and modify our daily attitude and expectations, perhaps we are aware of them, perhaps not. Hope you enjoy it.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Vacations and my first ebay sale
Family Note: If you are listening to this weeks audio podlet, please note that I recorded it back in February. Since then I have taken a second trip home, and we followed this same plan as explained in this trip, except there was no snow at the end !
In this weeks podet, I talk about my vacation and my sucess with my first ebay sale. In both cases I offer a few tips about travelling with kids and selling things on ebay, yes it's an odd combination, but that's just me I guess !
I'm getting more and more addicated to ebay, and have made myself a little "Ebay sellers kit" that includes things like wrapping paper, a digital scale, packing tape, measuring tape, etc etc. I like to pack everything up shortly after listing it, measure the dimentions for shipping and weight and I write it in pencil on the parcel itself
Show Notes:
Shipping and Handling: The great conspiracy
EBay Digital Scales
Limited Time Offer: Get $5 toward your first bid
1) Go to bwebcentral.com/ebay and sign up (click the banner to sign-up !)
2) Sign-up for your PayPal account at bwebcentral.com/paypal (Click the banner to sign-up !)
3) Make your first bid on any item you like on Ebay
4) Send an email to ebay@BWebcentral.com, be sure to include the following
a) The link to the item you have bid on
b) Your Ebay user id created in step 1
c) Your PayPal user id created in Step 2
5) Once this information is confirmed, I will send you through PayPal a maximum of $5 for your first bid That's all there is too it. Give it a try, what do you have to loose?
Note: This offer may expire at any time without notice, so sign up soon !
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Think Small
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Closing the Gap in web advertising
In internet affiliate marketing, there are many options to choose from and many types of programs. Undoubtedly the most well known of these programs is known as pay per click. (PPC)
PPC advertising, however struggles with a major problem. Click fraud. Unscrupulous individuals who try to earn money by clicking on their own links (or asking others to do the same).
Other programs are in place today to help combat this problem. Cost per Action (CPA) networks help to combat this problem for the internet marketer.
Until recently, I have found there to be a large Gap between PPC and CPA networks. Where PPC networks are generally open to anyone, CPA networks generally have more strict entry requirements, and less opportunities.
Enter the Clickbooth CPA Network. I have signed up for this network just recently, and have been very impressed with the service.
Before, I could even register, there was a rather rigorous process to confirm my identity. As a potential advertiser this gives me great confidence in fraud protection because I know the publishers have verified information with the network.
It takes a few days to get approved, you get an email once you are. However, it is important to check your SPAM folder for updates, because it may get incorrectly delivered to the wrong folder.
Once I logged in, I was very happy to find several well known programs, with good payouts. Plus most (if not all) of these CPA were pay per lead. This is an extreme benefit, as many similar programs are only on a cost per sale basis, which can sometimes be harder to obtain.
When I first login, I was greated up front by a box showing me a special sr affiate strategist to my account. Unlike other automated networks, Clickbooth has a very personalized look and feel combined with support to help me on my marketing endevours.
The link below points to a press release where the company is working towards donating money to help end Breast Cancer.
Payment via PayPal, Payment per lead, brands that I know and trust, and personal assistance, what more could I ask for? I look forward to using this network in the future.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Password Safe

How many user name and password combinations to you have to keep track of? Password Safe is a nice small utility for windows that lets you easily store and save common password information. Keep all your passwords safe, in one encrypted file and master password. Some users at companies are forced to change there password every 30 or 45 days, so this will help keep all your passwords organized. Plus the autotype feature can automatically enter your credentials for you..and best of all it's completely free. So if your tight on security (or your organization). This might be the perfect tool for you.
Monday, May 26, 2008
A Programming Challenge
Friday, May 16, 2008
Hawaii Goes MRAZy For Jason Mraz
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Purpose Plans and Passion
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Carrie Underwood is on Tour
Carrie Underwood, (forth season Americon Idol Winner), is currenly tour in the United States. Now, I'm no music expert and country is not really my favorite. But none the less she does have some pretty good songs. And you have to hand it to her, after winning Grammies, Billboard and American music awards..all in one season. Well she has to be doing something right.
She also has launched her own YouTube channel, which tends to give credit to exploting new media. Unfortuanly, you cannot share her videos on other sites and so far there are only a few that have been uploaded to YouTube. So I don't think it is as fully exploited here as it could be.
During her tour, my understanding is she will be travelling along with Keith Urban.
Now, I'm not a big fan of American Idol, as with most shows, I watched it more in the early seasons then in the latter ones. I'm getting a little tired of watching the same old routine between the judges. I don't know about you but to me, sometimes it feels a little too scripted.
None of Carrie's tour dates seem to indicate any visits to Canada. I have been fairly disappointed with the frequency of tours to the 'outskirts' of my country. Often times they don't sell enough tickets, and the show ends up being cancelled. Some of the sucessfull concerts actually had a lot of people buy tickets on line, only to later try and sell them on ebay for a higher price. Be very carefull, in many situations this can be illegal, plus even if you tried this, there is no gaurtentee you will get back the orginal price you paid.
I remember one example in particular, a sold out show, with tickets showing up on ebay for 200% of the orginal purchase price. What happened? The ticketmaster began selling even more tickets, and no one was unable to unload the tickets they already purchsed, and they lost a lot of money.
Still, if I had to choose, I'd say buying online, is definitly the way to go, then be one of those 'fanatics' that stand in a line for 2-3 nights on end, when you can sit in your comfy slippers and buy your tickets from your own couch !
If you've been following her since idol, you'll want to get your Carrie Underwood Tickets online for one of her tour dates. You can find a detailed list at the link below.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The Five Stages Of Windows Acceptance
Monday, May 12, 2008
If browsers were women

Too Funny :-) What is your browser of choice? If you meet Firefox, it's all you can think about. She just puts to much stuff in your memory! Even though she may drive you crazy, men find it hard to dump Mrs. Firefox. It's not because of herself, it's more because of the stuff she gets from that huge bunch of her admirers. All those gadgets you can use anytime while dating her makes your life so much easier. Oh, if only other women were so open for gifts ...
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Business Interview Test

This one is a classic "Giraffe Test", reportly done by Anderson Consulting. The rumor is they said around 90% of the professionals they tested got all questions wrong. But many preschoolers got several correct answers. Anderson Consulting reportedly said this conclusively disproves the theory that most professionals have the brains of a four year old. So How do you put a giraffe in the fridge?
Saturday, May 10, 2008
A simple Mistake

We all make little mistakes, but sometimes the smallest of these can cost big money. Today's quiz is about a very small mistake that resulted in millions of dollars. Try the quiz - then reflect on your daily mistakes and the repercussions they may have. A new ship had just been constructed, and everything had pretty much gone to plan. However, near the end of the production, someone spotted that one of the lettters on the small sign displaying the ship's name had been put on back to front. As a result, tens of millins of US dollars had to be spent to correct the error. Today's brain warm up... How could such a small mistake cost so much money?
Friday, May 09, 2008
What ever became of the CB Radio?

In this weeks podlet, I talk about the old CB Radio. Perhaps you've had one of these yourself? We used to have one setup at our house, but there was never anything interesting on the channels. Back in the day, it was fun to just open a channel and chat about whatever you wanted on the citizens band. Of course now with the internet, we live in a much different world, but CB Radio died out long before the internet, what caused this? Will this happen to user generated online content someday as well? Hmm...
Thursday, May 08, 2008
BWebCentral Donation Database
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Funny Computer Virus Names
The Lazy Programmer virus, will delete all of the files on your C:\ drive and then forward itself to everyone in your address book.
Please Note: As the programmer is too apathetic to create the code necessary to execute this virus, this works on the honor system. If you've received this, please delete all of your files, and forward this message to everyone you know.
"The Lazy Programmer"
Here's some more funny virus infections to watch out for...
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Bigger Computer Monitors = More Productivity
Monday, May 05, 2008
Fun Image Editing Ideas

Are the walls of your room covered in posters? I think we all went through that stage right?
Posters are a quick an easy way to decorate our rooms, and they can bring back nice reminders of the time we went to see the movie, with our friends or significant others.
But, Have you considered you own custom poster? Wouldn't it be cool if your face was on the main layout for the next big movie?..Or maybe this is just being conceited?? Maybe you should could make one for you best friend and put his/her face on it..or make one as a practical joke?
I no longer put posters wall to wall, but two other ideas that I have been thing of recently. I have some cool family photos that I have mashed on different backgrounds, places I might someday like to visit, [the egyption pyramids], but probably never will. Or perhaps make one of those 'inspirational' custom printed posters. You know the one's with the cool sayings like "Imagination: Keep your eyes on the stars and your feed on the ground", and maybe a picture of me with a thought bubble over my head and a cartoon mouse running in a wheel.
Or perhaps, a good conversation, make it say something like "Failure..when doing your best just isn't enough" and paste my head (or someone to tease) within it
The link below is a wiki article to help you learn the basics of image editing. Hope you enjoy it !
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Are you the master of your Inbox
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Mobile phone tracking

This is a bit scarry. Most cell phones today have built in GPS tracking. This is for E911 services. If you are lost with your cell phone, search and rescue can find you. SunSite satellite has GPS tracking software that allows you to find the location of any phone in the world that is equiped with a GPS reciever. Just enter your number and wham. Should this really be allowed? Give it a try and see what happens :-)
Friday, May 02, 2008
Irish Descendants Rattlin Blog
How fast are you?
If you like it you can get more of their music here -> The Irish Descendants