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Monday, June 30, 2008

The Elvish Name Generator

What is your elfish name? Here's a cool generator from Chris Wetherell. He also has one to determine your hobbit name. My Elf Name: Mablung Vanimedlë My Hobbit Name: Togo Millstone of Bywater What's yours?


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Today's Quiz: Tribond Triple Play

Tribond Tripple Play, is based onthe popular Tribond game which asks us "What do these 3 things have in common" In tripple play you solve 3 tribonds, the answer to which form a new tribond. For today's warm-up, can you figure out what these things have in common. If you do it right you should be able to use the answers to solve another tribond leading to the final answer. Good Luck !


Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Basics Of Getting Things Done

GTD or Getting Things Done is a set of strategies designed to help improve your daily Productivity.

In this article by the MacIntosh weblog, we see a nice summary of ideas as presented from David Allen's book "Getting Things Done"

A very interesting set of ideas indeed.


Friday, June 27, 2008

Makana Different Game An Experience For All

Blend together folk, jazz, modern contemporary rock, pop and alternative and have it fine tuned by our generation's greatest Hawaiian slack key guitarist and you've got a "Different Game", Makana's 4th album just released April 22nd.In a style that is unlike any other, Makana takes you away on a journey that crosses all boundaries


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Where's the iHype?

Shhh ! I have a secret for you. Do you own your own company, and have recently launched your own website? Many years ago the company I used to work for launched their website. It took us a long time to build a steady stream of quality traffic to our site. We did search engine optimization (SEO) had the address on all our business cards, and conducted webinars. We watched our traffic like crazy, an increase in traffic meant an increase in profits (in theory). But always there was this question hanging over us. What can we do to get more visitors, more traffic?

I was the system admin, and part time web developer. I had some ideas and helped out a little to build traffic, but I figured the real magic was up to the marketing gurus. If only I knew then what I know now.

Today everyone has a blog, and wants to be a reporter. Many of these blogs are very popular and receive lots of raffic. So if you have a new website and want to get the word and generate a buzz - this is an excellent opportunity. Today we have sites which combine bloggers and business together, and the best way to maximize this opportunity is to join as early as possible to these programs and get in on the ground Launches such a service.

So what does all this mean for you? Simple! Invest your marketing budget into iHype and let bloggers generate buzz for your business automatically. Before the popularity of blogging, there were really only 2 options - a) Emailing webmasters related to your product/service and asking for links and b) Web advertising which can be expensive. Now it just a few clicks, you can have a large network of bloggers review your products and services and post them to be read by their readers.

There are of course, other similar programs, however, as these sites get popular, they can also get more expensive. Therefore, the best time to get in the begging so here's your opportunity. I'm sure once you've tried it you'll see how much easier than traditional website marketing tactics.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Monday Warm--up: Complete the Pattern

Beleive it or not - Recognizing patterns is one of the earliest 'intelligent' functions that we develop in early childhood.

It forms the basis of how we learn about the world, we expect certain things to remain constant, other things to change, and to be able to function we need to be able to differentiate between the two. We need to make educated guesses of what comes next.

When a baby or toddler sees its mom taking its cup to the kitchen sink, he/she learns the answer to "what comes next"

In todays warm-up I ask you to complete the pattern. Follow the link below and look at the 4 grids. Can you determine the pattern - How was it created, what would a 4th grid look like?

Tip: Those of you with kids just starting school might have a better chance. Show this to your kids and see if they can figure it out ;-)

Enjoy !


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mommy Meltdown

Amy Jane writes an excellent article here on the joys of being a parent (or more "The life of a mom") Don't get me wrong, I love my kids. They are one of the best things about life. But you have to respect those, who, like my wife, I am sure an relate to days very similar to what Amy is writing about. Me? I really only have the kids for the entire day on Sundays and just that one day can sometimes be very hard on my patience. So a special thanks to my wife, and those like her who can keep it all together in the midst of what the rest of us can't even begin to imagine !


Monday, June 23, 2008

R2-D2 DVD Projector

This is awesome. If you like Star Wars at all. You know you want one of these R2D2 projectors. What a really cool idea ! I only wish I thought of it first.

This is a rendered video by Nikko and I'm not sure that you can actually buy them. It shows "limited edition"

Find out more at


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Jobs that sound cool, but maybe not

Wolfgang Meirder is credited with giving us the quote The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. Have you ever thought this about your job? Have you ever romaticised about another type of job/career? I am sure we all have. Here a few interesting jobs, that might look greener but at a second glance...


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Learning about Father's Day

Who came up with fathers day? Her name was Sonora Louise Smart Dodd and she lived in Spokane, Washington. Sonora was the oldest of six children raised by their father, William Jackson Smart, when their mother died during childbirth. Sonora honored and revered her father, and while listening to a Mother's Day sermon in 1909, she determined there should also be a day to honor fathers. Find out more at the link below:


Friday, June 20, 2008

Microsoft Vista - The next generation bloatware

By now, you should all have realized that Microsoft has released it latest operating system "Vista". Orginally codenamed "CE-ME-NT". This latest version promises to deliver more decreased productivity then ever before. An operating system so overblow they've chopped it up into 6 different versions, none of which actually work. At least not until you've spend hundreds of dollars on upgrades to your system to make it run (somewhat) The popular new feature is the arrow cursor, that lets you flow through blue screens, red screens, endless pop-ups ad permission questions all in eye-popping 3D ! Just like in previous versions, Every copy of Vista is covered by Microsoft's Gold Standard - Sinkhole of support. Is it any wonder we ask "Where are we going today?"


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Where is the missing ten dollars?

Today's quiz teaches us that things may not always be as they seem. In life, we are often confronted with things that seem so logical. So correct, but we are fooled. Have you ever been fooled into believing something was true? Just because it sounds right? Logic can be a dangerous weapon when used incorrectly. Here's a quiz to test out just how powerful that can be


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Health Insurance vs. Socialized Healthcare

Kevin Freking has written an interesting 7 part article over on His article discusses the pro's/cons of Health Insurance Plans vs a socialized system. Freking specifically discusses the various platforms of the political parties (and differences within the party) of America, and what they hope to accomplish.

I live in Canada, and we have socialized health care. Although, I am not very clear on how there health care works. I cringe at the idea of possibly dying because of an inability to afford health care. Canada is actually in the process of working out a 2-Teir health system. It is an attempt to leverage both benefits of health insurance and socialized health care.

One of the drawbacks, we face in Canda (as compared to the US), is very long wait times in our hospitals. Since health care is funded by our taxes and available to everyone, it gets a lot of utilization, and certains costs (such as Doctors salaries may have limits. Regardless, I still feeling extremely lucky to have our health care system, and I don't mind one bit the taxes that go to help ensure each an every Canadian has the same right to quality health care.

I find it very interesting, that as Canadians attempt to move toward a 2-Teir heath system, combining both private and public health care. The US system is working towards helping make health care available to more Americans. I can't help but wonder if we will eventually reach the same conclusions?

I often have a hard time understanding the notion of why "socialized health system" is looked at so negativily. Freking gives us the example of two people working on an assignment. One person puts in 110% and the other person slacks off and does nothing. Is it fair, that they should both get similar grades?

My problem with the analogy, is the attempt to compare individual accomplishments (skills, attitude, knowledge) with health and welfare. Sure some people work harder then others, does this automatically mean they have more of a right to live and breath as someone else? Perhaps, they deserve to accomplish more in life, perhaps they deserve better health, and more happiness. But does a "slacker" diserve to die because of their poor life choices? This seems a little harsh to me. The bigger question is what about those to are working 100% but just don't have the talent as others, or just has 'bad luck'. Do these people diserve to die for the cards they are dealt in life?

Anyway, check out Frekings views at the link below. Go Universal Health Care !


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Strangest Items Ever To Sell (Or Not Sell) On EBay

As many of you might already be aware, I have recently become an E-Bay addict.

I love selling stuff on this site. I'm not making a lot of money, but it's still great.

So when I came across this blog entry over at bligit. I just had to share it.

People will try anything to sell stuff at ebay.

If you want to give it a try youurself please sign up at


Monday, June 16, 2008

My name is Brad and I have SDS (Sarcasm Deficiency Syndrome

Here is my humours entry into the DSM manual. This is the diagnositc manual used by Doctors (eg: pschologists). Do determine various mental illness problems. So here is my contribution to the world of medical science. Take a quick read, do you know others with this problem as well?


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Test your hearing and music knowledge

For today's quiz, we will testing your hearing - and your music knowledge. The sound clip included in this link contains 3 songs (and only 3 songs). Have a listent to this clip and see if you can identify the 3 songs and artists who made this music. Good Luck !


Saturday, June 14, 2008

You don't have to ditch the Day Job

Tony Wright gives some tips and suggestions on ideas for startups and working part time in addition to your full time job. Finding the extra time to start your own business can be a daunting task. Will it be sucessful? How much are you willing to risk? When it comes to starting your own business. Careful time management can allow you to have your cake and eat it oo.


Friday, June 13, 2008

How It Works | The PC Decrapifier

Have you recently purchase a new computer? If so you may have noticed a wide variety of junk that is pre-installed. Toolbars you don't need, software you don't want. Trials of programs that expire in 30 days and keep nagging your end after end. Why does all this junk even come preloaded on your machine? It's simple really. This distributor makes money for each piece of software they pre-install. Since the markup on the hardware usually isn't very high, the distributor/retailer can make a few bucks installing a lot of useless software and trialware and calling it a "value add" or 'bundle package. Then you need the PC Decrapifier. This litle FREE program scans your computer for the common bloatware that comes initially installed with your computer, and will ask you what items you want to remove and what to leave alone. Quick, easy, and just the tool for newly purchase computers, to make them run like they *should*


Thursday, June 12, 2008

The discovery of Tobacco

In honor of the upcoming fathers day, I thought I'd relate in this weeks podlet (audio) an intersting theory my Dad told me about some years. How Tobacco may have been discovered. If his theory were correct, Today, of course cigarette and the tobacoo industry now has nothing to do with the purpose this 'magical fire plant' may have had thousands of years ago. Hope you enjoy it !


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

IWK Telethon - Don't foget to give

Specialized hospitals for sick children are a very important aspect of our society. Health care costs are really expensive, and in Canada we are lucky to have many costs paid for through a universal health system. However, it is particularly tragic when one of our kids acquires a critical disease or illness. Regardless of whether you've had kids or not, you probably know of someone near you who required specialized treatment at one of these hospitals, and unfortunately government funding just isn't always enough.

Every year, these hospitals, such as the IWK hold telethons. Various fund raising occurs through out the year. Both individuals and business contribute. Call centers, television, radio stations and hundreds of other volunteers devote their time to help raise money for this needy cause.

The IWK is one of these hospitals and is located in Halifax Nova Scotia, but many other hosptials through out Canada generally hold similar telethons around the same time.

If you can, please donate via the link below our check out our Donation database for more donation ideas.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Virtual Island - Historical PEI The living archives

PEI students gathered together to create the Living Archives. Students developed a virtual island that you can tour via the SecondLife engine.

Don't have the resources to visit PEI this summer? You can now do it all virtually !

You can login as:

For more information check out

OpenSIM Instructions


Monday, June 09, 2008

The missionaries and the Cannibals

Three missionaries and three cannibals come to a river and find a boat that holds two. If the cannibals ever outnumber the missionaries on either bank, the missionaries will be eaten. How shall they cross? I was very excited, when I found a flash version of this problem, which is popular in many AI (Artifical Intelligences) classes. I used to play around with it using 3 pennies and 3 quarters, but this flash version is much more fun. Just follow the link and give it a try. This is one of my favorite problems by far.


Sunday, June 08, 2008

BWebCentral - MyMiniCity

I'm not exactly sure what this mini city does. But please help me find out by following the link. The more that follow, the more power I get? I think, will write more about it when I get more visitors and learn the secrets of how it works.


Saturday, June 07, 2008

Deal of the week - June 6

Oh how I wish I could own this combo PDA/GPS. This is certainly a cool item. It's an ALL-IN-ONE swiss army PDA. I've looked at these things before and they are easiy over $500. But here are some refurbished ones on ebay for 50% of that price. Plus it looks like many of them come with the whole car kit, and accessories.

I've always wanted to try Geo-caching, and this would be an excellent device for it. Plus with bluetooth, I could send my location information from my cell phone (or maybe find my car when I loose it in the parking lot !)

I paid over $300 for my last PDA which did not have the integrated GPS, How much more could they possibly stick in these things anyway.

I really love the 'turn it on it's side view and it looks just like any other GPS.


Friday, June 06, 2008

Understanding Movie Prices

If you're like me.. [besides being a bit crazy] would be growing more and more annoyed at the advertisements being played in movie theatres !! Haven't seen them yet? If not please let me know, where you live, so I can start going to your movie theatre :-) After paying $10.00 for the movie, plus $15.00 for concessions, then sitting through 30 minutes of adveritsing, finally I get to watch my movie. What's up with that?


Thursday, June 05, 2008

Funny Out-Of-Office E-Mail Auto-Reply

Out of Office auto-replies can be great when you are on vacation, and you want to let others know you won't be checking your email. Here 10 great Out of Office autoreplies you should consider the next time you are heading out on vacation (If you have the guts that is) 1. I am currently out at a job interview and will reply to you if I fail to get the position. Be prepared for my mood. 2. You are receiving this automatic notification because I am out of the office. If I was in, chances are you wouldn't have received anything at all. 3. Sorry to have missed you but I am at the doctors having my brain removed so that I may be promoted to management 4. I will be unable to delete all the unread, worthless emails you send me until I return from vacation on 4/18. Please be patient and your mail will be deleted in the order it was received.


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Going GaGa over JaJah

The other day while listening to one of my favorite podcasts, they happened to mention a service called JaJah so I decided to check it out.

JaJah is a long distance service provider that offers cheap calling ll around the world. Plus, calls are free between JaJah users up to 150 minutes per week!

Calls are usually made using Voice over IP or (VOIP) technology, but in a differnt way then other services such as Skype or Vonage.

With Skype, calls are made through your computer, and not through your normal phone. Vonage calls do use a normal phone, but you need to buy a special adapter and sign-up for their monthly service plan.

JaJah calls work simply by logging into the JaJah website, and entering the number you want to dial. The system then calls your local phone (or cell phone!), and then calls your long distance number and connects the 2 phones together.

I don't have to stay on the JaJah site. Once connected, the call does not use my internet connection so I can shut down my computer and still continue my call

Plus I can use my JaJah account anywhere. So let's say I'm travelling and in a hotel I can call home from my JaJah account and give the local number of the hotel. Sometimes, I want to be able to make a long distance call from my cell, but cell company long distance charges are crazy!. So I can use JaJah on my cell as well.

So currently, I'm paying about $0.03/minute to make long distance calls, but I can make these calls free if others are also using JaJah. So why not sign-up and try a few calls and maybe tell a few friends so that everyone can benefit.

One word of caution though calls are only free to other JaJah users that have been iniated on the JaJah website. If you start the call from your cell phone it still costs money, but it's stil really cheap. Also be careful if you are roaming with your cell phone, as the cell phone company may charge your extra $ in addition to JahJah. So there are a few times, like cell phone roaming, where it might still be a good idea to just use a long distance pay card, but your can't beat free calling with no extra equipment or plans right?


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Brinking your Banking Online

When I first started online banking, I was very skeptical about the idea. Sure some websites are secure, and use encryption, but how comfortable do I feel sending my money around on the internet?

There is a carefull balance to be maintained between convience and security. In the end however, I decided to open up savings accounts and give it a try.

There are so many features provided today for onlink banking. Let us consider Wamu as an example. With a secure internet connection, you can check your balance, pay your bills, and get alerts about your accounts. Plus with paperless banking you are helping the environment as well.

One of the best ideas is the ability to automatically have money transferred to say a high interest savings account. Automatic savings is a great way to buld a little nest egg. Just set it and forget it.

Account alerts are also a cool feature. I am not aware of other banks that can do this. When you reach a certain balance, or a large withdrawal, you can be notified of this happening and keep better track of your financial situation.

If you want more information you can checkout the Wamu online demo

Finally, they have a section of tips and tricks in the Learn and Plan section of the site. The link below will teach your more about onlinking banking. I also suggest checkout out there budgeting information which can be very useful as well.


Monday, June 02, 2008

Get the Office 2007 Compability Pack

If you haven't upgraded to Office 2007 yet (and it really odd new interface). You might be confused about these new file extensions like .docx, .doxm, .xlsx. Perhaps you've recieved it in an email and cannot seem to figure out how to open it. What is this all about? Unlike previous versions of Office. Office 2007 uses new file names and formats that are not recognized on older versions. These new extensions are used to differentiate between macro enabled documents and regular (non macro documents) for various secuirty reasons. The donwload at the link below is a free update to your older Office 2000 or Office 2003 applications to be able to view these new extensions


Sunday, June 01, 2008

Keep the end in mind

For this mornings quiz, we will be testing your visual cognitive skills. These are probaby the are where I have the 'least' intelligence. To complete this quiz, you have to be able to construct the various shapes and move them around in your head to try to find out the right solution. I always scored low on these types of test in school. I am not even good at estimating the size of an object let alone try to move it around in my head. Good Luck !


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